So if 2 people are "shidduch" dating, do they keep track of the month anniversaries. I would think that they keep track based on dates, and the really "frum" people will be engaged before a month passes, so I guess this isn't a concern. But these people probably aren't reading my RANT, so lets focus more on the typical modern orthodox dating scene, which I proclaim to be a significant part of. I think there should be a service or website that keeps track of when the relationships officially begin so that guys remember when they hit their anniversaries. From what I understand, girls like to write everything down, so they always remember. Also, b/c I am disturbed, I keep a timeline on my wall, with all the different girls I have dated, and break it down into "eras"; this is great b/c its like I am comparing myself to an ancient empire. So maybe I should be in charge of this service that keeps track of when people "officially" start "going out".
The careful reader has probably already noticed the inherent problem in this calculation. What is considered the official beginning of a relationship? This has been a significant issue for me in the past, b/c I never know how to determine when I am actually dating the girl. Its weird to hang out a bunch of times and then say "Will you be my girlfriend?" I think that the true answer is that "acharei rabim l'hatos", we go after what public opinion thinks. If everyone says u r going out with someone, then u r. If you don't like it, get the hell outta there fast. I am definetly not fit to give relationship advice, but I still would advice against actually asking a girl what ur status is with her. Let public opinion answer this question for you, or let her bring it up and answer it. Ok, that was weird, I just felt like I was writing for "dear abby".
These anniversaries create yet another need for giving gifts that will probably be ineffective and useless. There is already the problem of birthdays, and the gifts that go along with them. Let me make this absolutely clear: Do not date a girl, if her birthday will be w/in a month after u start dating. You will be forced to buy her a gift, which will either be not good enough, making her think you are cheap , or too good, making her think you wanna marry her and freak her out. Also, its best if your birthday comes before hers, b/c then she sets the "gift giving precedent", and all you gotta do is follow her lead. This will now be called the "birthday rule."
Let me now talk about some gift problems I have run into. First time I met a girl, I decided to tell her I read philosophy and threw out some names I had heard of. Its unclear why I did this, but it came back to bite me on the rump, when she went and got me a philosophy book from Barnes and Noble. Luckily, I got a gift receipt and I was able to get espn magazine instead. I was gonna say that the moral of this story is don't lie, but I ended up getting a good magazine, so I guess there really is no moral. The best gift I ever got was Madden for PS2; this is really the gift that keeps on giving. But I haven't heard of too many cases like that, so lets continue with the premise that a good gift is very uncommon. I think its a good idea to steer clear of getting clothes for girls. I tried to do this a few times, with a winter hat, and sweatshirt, but I gotta believe that this was a terrible idea. Firstly, how do I know what is considered cool or fashionable for a girl to wear? And secondly, its really awkward to stand around in the woman's section of the store and try to discreetly look through the clothing to find something. I'm always afraid some old lady will run up to me and hit me with her pocketbook, and call me a pervert, even though I'm only looking at sweatshirts. (side point- remember there were ladies that hit u with their pocketbooks in double dragon 2??? )
In closing, I must conclude that the gift-giving issue is indeed a major problem. I would try to limit gifts to 6th month and 1 year anniversary, but I have never lasted that long. Awwwww.
Perhaps, it really is "the thought that counts." So go to a card store, pick out a nice card, pour out ur heart to the girl, and u'll be good to go. Or she'll think ur awkwardly feminine and get weirded out. GN