the history of pathetic violence
Right now I am in LA for spring break, and I gotta tell you people - it's nothing like the OC or Beverly Hills 90210 or Melrose Place or any other show that portrays LA as this mystical hedonistic city. So far, all I see are fat women and kosher restraurants, and fat women in kosher restaurants. Basically, it is the five towns with warmer weather, at least where I am staying.
Lucky for you people, this is not the topic of the rant. Also, I am eating "sea salt and vinegar" kettle chips right now, which cost 3.00 at the hotel store. This is b/c my mom made me 4 sandwiches (1 tuna, 1 egg salad, and 2 deli) which I have already eaten. Yes, I am 23 years old and my Mom made me four sandwiches. This means it is time to get married. Additionally, why did my mom put turkey in the deli sandwiches??? Was this her way of trying to send me some type of "health" message and saying that "yes, you can have 2 deli sanwiches, but I'm gonna screw you over and put some turkey in them so that you cannot enjoy it like you would if it was just a juicy plump pure pastrami sandwich? Is this the first ever pastrami/turkey combo sandwich!!! Am I over-analyzing this?
BUt ALAS, this turkey dillema is also not the topic of this rant. Tonight, I have a specific agenda, and that is to discuss my violent past. You see, last Wednesday night I was at my weekly basketball game for subpar-mediocre (At best) Jewish players in the Philadelphia area, and there was a violent outburst from one of the players. There had been bickering all game about fouls and what-not, and finally it culminated with this particular individual "losing his cool". He let out an expletive-laced tirade and also threatened to do physical harm to 2 of my pals. I tried to restrain him for a bit, but quickly realized that I would much rather sit back and enjoy a potentially entertaining physical conflict. Unfortunately, this animal left before any actual physical harm would ensue. The point is that I probably spelled "ensue" wrong. BUt that is not the real point. The point is that it made me think of a timeline of violent incidences that I have been involved with.
1984 or maybe 1985: I was 2 or 3 years old and having a nice play-date with Joe Greene. What do 2/3 year olds do on these "play-dates" by the way? It is probably very boring. I guess I realized this back then, and I decided to take a bite out of poor Joe's stomach, thinking this would bring some excitment to the play-date. Basically, I was worse than Mike Tyson, and Joe didn't see this one coming. I still feel bad about this right now, and I constantly offer Joe to take a bite out of my stomach as a sorta "midah k'neged midah", but he consistently declines. I guess it would be awkward, and slightly gay.
Senior year of high school, 2000: We used to play basketball on Fridays with the Rabbis, and things were always heated, but never went overboard. One time this tall Persian 11th grader started insulting one of my pals. This is a guy that I would always insult and make fun of also, but it's ok, b/c he was my friend. Suddenly, when this 11th grader was doing it, it was no longer OK. I gave him a few warnings to shut his trap, but the insults continued. Then things pushed me over the edge. He started talking trash to the Rabbis and threw an expletive in their direction. That was it for me. I lunged at this taller fellow and scratched his face/ripped his shirt. Note that this is how I decided to fight- "scratching". I am a female. After 43 people separated us, 2 different Rabbis backed me into a corner and screamed at me. One kept saying "STOP IT, DON'T USE SUCH LANGUAGE, STOP FIGHTNG", but the other one curiously said things like " YOU DID THE RIGHT THING!!! STANDING UP FOR YOUR RABBIS! YOU ARE A ZEALOT LIKE PINCHAS!! AND THAT BOY IS ZIMRI." strange.
Summer of 2000: A low moment in my violent history. I had this camper who was slightly "off" and we had a love/hate type relationship. This kid was a big boy and he would often jump on me and get overly aggresive. One time he kept jumping on me and I told him he must stop or I will beat the crap out of him. He then took my kippah and threw it into the pool. Now, this was a damn good Kippah, so I was forced to punch him in the face. His glasses scratched his face, and he laid flat on the floor bleeding. The head counseler of camp's wife saw me punch the kid and told me I was going to be kicked out immedietly. Then the head counselor told me to go back to my bunk, and that was all. I wasn't kicked out and I don't really know why. All I know is that it felt good to knock a kid out like that.
Lucky for you people, this is not the topic of the rant. Also, I am eating "sea salt and vinegar" kettle chips right now, which cost 3.00 at the hotel store. This is b/c my mom made me 4 sandwiches (1 tuna, 1 egg salad, and 2 deli) which I have already eaten. Yes, I am 23 years old and my Mom made me four sandwiches. This means it is time to get married. Additionally, why did my mom put turkey in the deli sandwiches??? Was this her way of trying to send me some type of "health" message and saying that "yes, you can have 2 deli sanwiches, but I'm gonna screw you over and put some turkey in them so that you cannot enjoy it like you would if it was just a juicy plump pure pastrami sandwich? Is this the first ever pastrami/turkey combo sandwich!!! Am I over-analyzing this?
BUt ALAS, this turkey dillema is also not the topic of this rant. Tonight, I have a specific agenda, and that is to discuss my violent past. You see, last Wednesday night I was at my weekly basketball game for subpar-mediocre (At best) Jewish players in the Philadelphia area, and there was a violent outburst from one of the players. There had been bickering all game about fouls and what-not, and finally it culminated with this particular individual "losing his cool". He let out an expletive-laced tirade and also threatened to do physical harm to 2 of my pals. I tried to restrain him for a bit, but quickly realized that I would much rather sit back and enjoy a potentially entertaining physical conflict. Unfortunately, this animal left before any actual physical harm would ensue. The point is that I probably spelled "ensue" wrong. BUt that is not the real point. The point is that it made me think of a timeline of violent incidences that I have been involved with.
1984 or maybe 1985: I was 2 or 3 years old and having a nice play-date with Joe Greene. What do 2/3 year olds do on these "play-dates" by the way? It is probably very boring. I guess I realized this back then, and I decided to take a bite out of poor Joe's stomach, thinking this would bring some excitment to the play-date. Basically, I was worse than Mike Tyson, and Joe didn't see this one coming. I still feel bad about this right now, and I constantly offer Joe to take a bite out of my stomach as a sorta "midah k'neged midah", but he consistently declines. I guess it would be awkward, and slightly gay.
Senior year of high school, 2000: We used to play basketball on Fridays with the Rabbis, and things were always heated, but never went overboard. One time this tall Persian 11th grader started insulting one of my pals. This is a guy that I would always insult and make fun of also, but it's ok, b/c he was my friend. Suddenly, when this 11th grader was doing it, it was no longer OK. I gave him a few warnings to shut his trap, but the insults continued. Then things pushed me over the edge. He started talking trash to the Rabbis and threw an expletive in their direction. That was it for me. I lunged at this taller fellow and scratched his face/ripped his shirt. Note that this is how I decided to fight- "scratching". I am a female. After 43 people separated us, 2 different Rabbis backed me into a corner and screamed at me. One kept saying "STOP IT, DON'T USE SUCH LANGUAGE, STOP FIGHTNG", but the other one curiously said things like " YOU DID THE RIGHT THING!!! STANDING UP FOR YOUR RABBIS! YOU ARE A ZEALOT LIKE PINCHAS!! AND THAT BOY IS ZIMRI." strange.
Summer of 2000: A low moment in my violent history. I had this camper who was slightly "off" and we had a love/hate type relationship. This kid was a big boy and he would often jump on me and get overly aggresive. One time he kept jumping on me and I told him he must stop or I will beat the crap out of him. He then took my kippah and threw it into the pool. Now, this was a damn good Kippah, so I was forced to punch him in the face. His glasses scratched his face, and he laid flat on the floor bleeding. The head counseler of camp's wife saw me punch the kid and told me I was going to be kicked out immedietly. Then the head counselor told me to go back to my bunk, and that was all. I wasn't kicked out and I don't really know why. All I know is that it felt good to knock a kid out like that.
At 8:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
I felt similar enjoyment when I was 13 and beat up a fellow camper during intramurals hockey. Only the result of that was that God cursed me and from that day forth I didn't grow an inch anywhere on my body. Boy did I wind up on the losing end of that battle.
At 8:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can attest to that curse having gone into effect. I have first and left hand knowledge.
At 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you think those cowboys from "Brokeback Mountain" were gay, you should see me. Yes I know that wasn't subtle but neither is my homosexuality.
At 9:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hal, I don't think you and Uri are going fishing out there. Are you two having sexual relations in that fishing boat of yours? If so, that would not just be a homosexual love affair, but a story about how love conquers all.
At 9:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am Uri Burger and I would like to say that I have experienced passionate love making with both Danny and Hal. They are both caring lovers. We shouldn't be fighting... we should have "three-way calling."
At 9:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Harold, I need to come by to get my panties this afternoon.
At 9:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Danny - that rash cream is ready to be picked up.
At 9:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why wasn't I invited ot the Fag covention?
At 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
MoRo--because you're not just the founder, you're also a client.
At 11:07 PM,
The Fades said…
is anyone else reading this rant or just groner.
At 6:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am illiterate
At 6:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am too busy looking at Internet pornography.
At 6:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wait. Who's the Fades? Is it that Juardo pharmacist guy in disguise? I don't get any of the jokes here but I'll laugh anyway.
At 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
i never really fought physically with anyone, but i def. look up to u with ure ability of fighting techniques. u r my role model!!
At 9:35 PM,
Hopefool said…
As irony would have one of our roommates did in fact get thrown out for hitting a kid (and that kid was a real weeny, and grossly exagerrated the situation). And I feel awful saying it, but you punched that kid out, it was one of the funniest moments in camp history for me (and I've spent 21 summers in camp). I think you should have noted that the following summer you stole the same campers blanket on a cold night, and he was wearing nothing but tighty-whities....and even after he got out of bed looking for his blanket you still wouldn't give it back- I can honestly say I never laughed harder in Hillel.
At 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'll make you sandwhiches. hehe
At 9:58 PM,
The Fades said…
now thats creepy.
At 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
indeed the hopefool is the bone.
At 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
indeed the hopefool is the bone.
At 5:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
“The more often and earlier a child smokes, drinks and uses marijuana, the likelier that child is to use harder drugs like cocaine and heroin.”
“It’s all about children. A child who gets through age 21 without smoking, using illegal drugs or abusing alcohol is virtually certain never to do so.”
“Teens who smoke cigarettes are 12 times likelier to use marijuana and more than 19 times likelier to use cocaine”.
- Joseph A. Califano, Jr., CASA Chairman and President
At 7:11 AM,
The Fades said…
Thank you Mr. Califano for that message. Lets also not forget that "Drugs and alcohol are both the same, they make soup out of your brain".
At 9:42 AM,
blog2liveorlive2blog said…
Ha, I recall that summer in Hillel. There were always good times. Especially when Fades had his parents send over a "water bottle" that was mysteriously filled with a non-water substance that the Fades' Mom sampled - now THAT was funny. Also, every time that the Fades ran was funny too. In short, you are the man, man and this blog is one of my favorite diversions. I don't know why people spend so much time looking at Onlysimchas or Facebook. Okay, that's a lie. Where are Uri and Jen, I'm getting bored. Harold, why are you so proper, "internet pornography"??? Poooorrrrnnnn. Adar Sameach :)
At 7:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Parashat Ki-Tisa tells one of the most difficult stories in all of Chumash - the story of Benei Yisrael's worship of the golden calf. The Torah itself emphasizes the speed in which Benei Yisrael degenerated to this point, where they worshipped a calf: "Saru Maher Min Ha'derech" ("They have quickly steered from the path" - 32:8). The obvious question arises, how did this occur? The Gemara tells us that the Yetzer Ha'ra (evil inclination) works on a person slowly and gradually. If the Yetzer Ha'ra would confront a religious Jew suddenly and tell him, "Go pray in a church," obviously this would have no effect. The evil inclination leads a person to sin over the course of an extended period of pressure, bringing him away from proper conduct one stage at a time. How could it be, therefore, that Benei Yisrael transformed overnight from people who worshipped G-d to people who worshipped a golden calf?
Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz (head of the Mir Yeshiva; Poland-Jerusalem, 1901-1979) answers that Benei Yisrael's rapid decline resulted from a single factor: depression. The Sages tell that Satan, in an effort to cause Benei Yisrael to sin, made the world dark and dreary. He then showed Benei Yisrael a misleading image of Moshe's coffin, so that they would think he had died atop Mount Sinai. This image, coupled with the grim darkness that hovered over them, caused a sense of confusion and desperation among Benei Yisrael. By bringing upon them this mood of despair, Satan was capable of accomplishing overnight what would otherwise take many decades to achieve. When people become depressed, alarmed or startled, their spiritual resistance is affected. A person in such a state of mind gives up, he no longer feels any motivation to work and achieve. When this happens, he is capable of committing even the most grievous sins, sins that he would never have imagined committing before the feeling of depression set in.
When I was in school there was a Rabbi who would monitor not only the students' academic progress, but their emotional development, as well. When he would notice a student looking despondent, he would encourage him to go buy an ice cream. A gloomy mood is so dangerous for a religious Jew that he must do whatever he can to overcome it, be it by taking a walk, listening to (appropriate) music, or even buying an ice cream. And for this reason, it is a great Mitzva to help other people feel happy when they are feeling down. The Gemara tells that a Rabbi once came upon Eliyahu the Prophet in the marketplace and asked him to show him who in the marketplace is assured a share in the next world. Eliyahu showed him two men who spent their day going over to merchants who looked despondent and anxious, and telling them jokes to cheer their mood. This is, indeed, one of the greatest Mitzvot a person can perform: to help somebody else overcome his feelings of gloom and despair, which can be so destructive to one's spiritual well-being.
At 1:33 PM,
The Fades said…
shkoyach on that divrei torah. and shkoyach on that hangover-aversion advice. I do not plan on using the word "shkoyach" again on the fades rant.
At 8:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
although aspirin and ibuprofren can irritate the stomach, i wouldn't advise acetominophen (tylenol) after a heavy night of drinking. alcohol damages the liver (usually temporarily, but often irreversable with long-term drinking) and acetominophen is metabolized by the liver as well. damage to the liver results in the decreased ability to totally break down tylenol, leading to a buildup of a more toxic bye-product, and can further damage one's liver. advise - avoid aspirin, but ibuprofren is ok, and some bland carby food can help a bit.
ps - what is with that dvar torah?
At 6:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
show me the way to the next whiskey, dont' ask why...
-bz jaffe
At 7:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
find jewish escorts in your area on criagslist
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
I once threw a desk at a teacher in third grade, I always thought we had similar backgrounds. Unlike you, I was told to suppress my weirdness and eventually meld into society, thus Bob became a mindless drone for the corporate world. Anyway back to the point - cookies, I love cookies. Even with milk.
At 8:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
youre the funniest person i ever met....officially
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